I hate to admit it, but I was one of the crazy people that got up early and went shopping on Black Friday. My excuse is that my washer went out and it was a way to get a good deal on something I needed. While at the store I noticed people standing in long lines waiting to pick up items or to check out. Most of these people were only going to save a few dollars and some people spent more on other tiems than they would be saving on the special sales! Still, people got out early to be a part of the Black Friday experience.
I'm sure others have spent many hours studying such things, but my brief observations reaffirmed my own sense that people are hungry for an experience. People want to have an experience. That is an important reminder to us as church leaders. We are surrounded by people who want to be more than observers—they want to be involved in an experience. Thom Rainer (in his book The Millennials) shows us the next generation wants to be involved in something meaningful, something that matters. That may be among our greatest challenges in the years ahead: engaging our people in a way that allows them to experience kingdom truth in their own lives.
So, what are you doing about it?
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Week of Prayer for International Missions
December 4 - 11
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
National Goal - $175,000,000
Hillcrest Goal - $105,000
100% goes to support over 5,000 missionaries (including Greg, Sarah, Bryan, Gina, Ron, Karen, Tim, Yvonne, Jason, Kristi, Steve, Jane, Robert, Maridith, and Melody) and their ministries
Provides 57% of the income of the International Mission Board
1.7 billion people (25% of world population) have little or no access to the gospel
Focus Scripture: Acts 1:8
"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
Paul says, “All of you together are Christ's body, and each of you is a part of it” (1 Corinthians 12:27). Jesus has commissioned us to be His heart, His hands, His voice. Through praying, giving, and going, Southern Baptists have fulfilled this legacy for more than 160 years.
Yet, billions remain lost and time may be running out for them. We must pray more intentionally and give more sacrificially than ever before. Our churches must take direct responsibility for helping reach the nearly 3,800 unengaged, unreached people groups that missionaries may never be able to get to.
And, since most unreached people groups likely are represented in the world surban centers, we have unique challenges and opportunities to reach the world through the cities, as illustrated in this year's week of prayer features.
What can you do, individually?
Start by being Southern Baptist missions as an extension of His heart, hands, and voice through your prayers and unprecedented giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
December 4 - 11
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
National Goal - $175,000,000
Hillcrest Goal - $105,000
100% goes to support over 5,000 missionaries (including Greg, Sarah, Bryan, Gina, Ron, Karen, Tim, Yvonne, Jason, Kristi, Steve, Jane, Robert, Maridith, and Melody) and their ministries
Provides 57% of the income of the International Mission Board
1.7 billion people (25% of world population) have little or no access to the gospel
Focus Scripture: Acts 1:8
"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
Paul says, “All of you together are Christ's body, and each of you is a part of it” (1 Corinthians 12:27). Jesus has commissioned us to be His heart, His hands, His voice. Through praying, giving, and going, Southern Baptists have fulfilled this legacy for more than 160 years.
Yet, billions remain lost and time may be running out for them. We must pray more intentionally and give more sacrificially than ever before. Our churches must take direct responsibility for helping reach the nearly 3,800 unengaged, unreached people groups that missionaries may never be able to get to.
And, since most unreached people groups likely are represented in the world surban centers, we have unique challenges and opportunities to reach the world through the cities, as illustrated in this year's week of prayer features.
What can you do, individually?
Start by being Southern Baptist missions as an extension of His heart, hands, and voice through your prayers and unprecedented giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Claiming Your Mountain

Claiming Your Mountain
Desolation and death in the desert they went
Forty years wasted, they were worn and spent.
Refusing the best they were denied God’s rest
If only the report of the two was believed
Their wilderness experience would have been relieved.
The land is great, God will put it in our hands
But the crowd was afraid and took their stand.
The ten spies reported a story so sad
The land if full of giants, we’ve already been had!
Too often we listen to discouraging lies
And it certainly is our demise.
Stop thinking and saying, “I’m too small”
The “giants” will squash me, like a grasshopper or ant
Look to God and stop saying I can’t!
Do not rebel or be afraid of the truth
Don’t be swayed or dismayed!
Surrender early to finish strong
With God on your side you can’t go wrong!
Claim your mountain and stand on these words
“I know what God says is true”
He has mountains of blessings wafting for you.
Joshua 14:12, Numbers
13:30, 14:8-9
~Inspired by the Holy
Spirit through Pastor Mikes’ sermon ~
~G .Harlin~
Nov. 13, 2011
Desolation and death in the desert they went
Forty years wasted, they were worn and spent.
Refusing the best they were denied God’s rest
If only the report of the two was believed
Their wilderness experience would have been relieved.
The land is great, God will put it in our hands
But the crowd was afraid and took their stand.
The ten spies reported a story so sad
The land if full of giants, we’ve already been had!
Too often we listen to discouraging lies
And it certainly is our demise.
Stop thinking and saying, “I’m too small”
The “giants” will squash me, like a grasshopper or ant
Look to God and stop saying I can’t!
Do not rebel or be afraid of the truth
Don’t be swayed or dismayed!
Surrender early to finish strong
With God on your side you can’t go wrong!
Claim your mountain and stand on these words
“I know what God says is true”
He has mountains of blessings wafting for you.
Joshua 14:12, Numbers
13:30, 14:8-9
~Inspired by the Holy
Spirit through Pastor Mikes’ sermon ~
~G .Harlin~
Nov. 13, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Ministry For Our Homebound Members
The Hillcrest Women's Ministry cordially invites you to join us for our second annual Cookie Exchange. Come bless our homebound members while enjoying a time of fellowship, fun, and friendly competition.
Tuesday, December 6th
7:00 - 9:00 PM
Hillcrest Student Building
Child Care Available With RSVP
What to Bring:
1 Decorated Christmas Container (for giving to our homebound members)
1 dozen cookies on your favorite Christmas dish (for tasting/judging that night)
5 dozen cookies divided into 5 zip lock bags (1 doz for containers - 4 doz for exchange)
Prizes Awarded
Best Tasting Cookie, Most Creative Cookie, Best Decorated Container
Please email your cookie recipe to Angela Hudler to be included in a recipe booklet. Deadline for recipe to be included is December 1, 2011. Email: Angela_Hudler@yahoo.com
Drinks Provided - Dinner Not Included
Please Register at the Women's Ministry Table
We will deliver the cookies to our homebound members on Wednesday, December 7th.
Please let us know if you are able to help!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Theologically Impaired?

This was to good to pass up. Written by Michael Duduit, editor of Preaching, it makes a good point that when we teach we need to be sure people can understand!
The latest gadget for those with more time than sense is the Bow-Lingual, a wireless mini-microphone that attaches to Rover's collar. The Bow-Lingual then translates your dog's barks, growls, yelps and other communicative efforts into common English phrases, such as "This is great!" or "I love it!" or "Who bought this awful-tasting dog food? Was there a clearance sale at Wal-Mart?" (OK, I'm guessing that last one may be beyond the Bow-Lingual repertoire, though I'd suggest it for the next update.)
I'm not sure how the Bow-Lingual's developers were able to verify the quality of their voiceprint analysis—who would do the translation? Then again, perhaps the folks who plan to spend $99.95 for one of these devices aren't that concerned with quality control.
Personally, I think there's a market out there for the Preach-Lingual, to help theologically-impaired church members understand what the preacher is talking about. For example, what the preacher says is: "Blessed are those whose lives have been touched with the affirmative response of the ground of all being." The Preach-Lingual translates: "It's good to know God loves you."
Now that will sell.
I'm not sure how the Bow-Lingual's developers were able to verify the quality of their voiceprint analysis—who would do the translation? Then again, perhaps the folks who plan to spend $99.95 for one of these devices aren't that concerned with quality control.
Personally, I think there's a market out there for the Preach-Lingual, to help theologically-impaired church members understand what the preacher is talking about. For example, what the preacher says is: "Blessed are those whose lives have been touched with the affirmative response of the ground of all being." The Preach-Lingual translates: "It's good to know God loves you."
Now that will sell.
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