Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hospitality Ministry
The Power of the Home
 There is no way to overstate the importance of a Christ-honoring home.  Your home can become the most powerful place on earth. 
If you want to build healthy relationships, a strong marriage, and a God-honoring home that will have a positive and spiritual impact on your friends and family for generations, this is a ministry for you.
The Hospitality Ministry will guide you in making your home a place to
·         Connect with God and others
·         Grow in wisdom
·         Serve your community
·         Share your faith with the world around you

       Activities will include

·         Bible Study
·         Kitchen Skills
·         Sewing Essentials
·         Parenting Support
·         Single Living
·         Marriage Management
·         And More

For more information or to serve on the planning team please contact Barbara Parker at women@hillcrestbc.com or 214-235-6827

“Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:9-10 ESV

Monday, July 16, 2012

New Hospitality Ministry

So even to old age and gray hairs,
O God, do not forsake me,
until I proclaim your might to another generation,
your power to all those to come.

Psalm 71:18

I was shocked to read not long ago that only 49 percent of college freshmen in America have a thought-out philosophy of life. That means over half of the young people entering college today don’t have a direction they’re heading, nor principles to guide them.

The same is true of young Christians, so many of whom don’t know what they believe. And then we wonder why, when the world’s pressure is turned on, they collapse.

Too many young Christians have never studied the Bible. They’ve never had someone mentor them in their faith. They've simply just come to church when it’s convenient, rather than build their lives upon the bedrock truths of the Word of God. That, to me, says it all. That's why so many leave the faith once they get into the world.

Older Christians must build into the next generation. If they don't, we risk an entire generation being lost to the ways of the world. So whether you're older or younger, find one person whom you can build into or who can build into you!

- Jack Graham


WE ARE STARTING A NEW HOSPITALITY MINISTRY to share life skills with women of all ages. We will learn about homemaking, parenting, and survival skills for single, single again, and married women! If you would like to help with this ministry contact Barbara Parker at women@hillcrestbc.com.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gen Xers

In a recent Breakpoint devotional, John Stonestreet writes about a disturbing trend that church leaders must face: "The latest numbers from Trinity College's latest American Religious Identification Survey finds that Gen Xers—those born between 1965 and 1972—who walked away from the church aren't coming back.

"Sociologists have long taken for granted that teenagers question and rebel against their parents' religion, then ultimately return when they grow up and have their own kids. But Gen Xers —now in their 40s and raising high-schoolers—aren't following that trend. Hundreds of thousands of them just aren't coming back, and they're not involving their kids in organized religion, either.

"But that doesn't mean our country is filling up with atheistic secularists. These Gen Xers and their kids aren't leaving spirituality behind; instead many are becoming what Philip Clayton of The Los Angeles Times dubbed 'the nones': those who don't identify with any organized faith, but who still consider spirituality, prayer, and transcendent morality important. They haven't abandoned the whole Christian worldview—just the parts that require commitment.

"You might say, or at least Ross Douthat of the The New York Times says, they're not atheists. They're heretics. In fact, Douthat's new book Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics, suggests this de-stabilization of Christian belief might be the most significant cultural trend that no one has talked about over the last few decades.

We've always had American heretics—there were the deists, the Shakers—but the center of Christian belief was coherent, and it provided a stable source of moral norms and fundamental beliefs about human nature and value for the America project. But not so now, Douthat says. Heretics are mainstream—and what he means by heretics are those who no longer look outward for spiritual authority, but inward. The only spiritual authority is one's own self—something Douthat sees not only outside of Christianity but expressed clearly in some of the most popular forms of Christianity itself in our culture.

But self-made religion isn't stable, and won't provide the social cohesion that America has been used to for so long...We need to help students realize that truth is found in God Himself. And it's something fixed, unchanging, but also accessible. We are not the source of our own truth."

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Change Is In The Air

The Women's Ministry is changing .. we are adding more structure as more women have answered the call to leadership.  Over the next few weeks we will be meeting to outline the changes and how the ministry will grow in better defined directions.

The following was written by Ron Edmonson on adding structure to organizations.  If you have any suggestions we would like to hear them too!

The change should make sense with the organizational make-up and DNA - We have to be careful altering something in a way that disrupts the fiber, core, or root foundation of the organization.

The structure added should not impede progress - Structure should further enable the completion of the vision, not detract from it.

It should accommodate or encourage continued growth – Structure should not curtail growth. It’s purpose should be to help the organization continue to grow.

Hit the center of acceptance – Not everyone will agree with any change, but if the structure is universally opposed then it may need to be considered more closely before being implemented.

Make sure everyone understands the why - People are more likely to accept structure when they can identify the value to them and their area of responsibility, but at least the value to the overall organization.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Prayer - By Jack Graham

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; 

 knock, and it will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

Years ago I read about a lady down in Miami, Florida who wrote the editor of the Miami Herald, who had just published a study on how prayer helped heal sickness. In her letter, she talked about a hurricane that hit Miami recently. She had gotten word that the hurricane was coming and so, though she wasn’t a praying person, she tried prayer, asking God to keep the storm from hitting her home.
The clouds rolled in and the storm raged. And when it was over, it destroyed her house despite her prayers. So she asked the editor, “What do you think about that? What about this God who Christians say answers prayer? I prayed and He did nothing!”

The editor responded in his editorial, “Madam, I don’t know much about prayer either. And to tell you the truth, I’m not much of a praying man so I don’t know why God didn’t answer your prayer. But I’m wondering… could it be that He was spending time with some of His regular customers?!”
Many times, I find out that when people say, “I’ve been praying about this,” what they really mean is “I prayed once about this.” But God wants more than simply our lip service. He wants our trust and our lives. So pray often, talking to God about your needs on a regular basis and most importantly, giving Him control by submitting to His will.



Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Leadership is tough. Here are 5 key ways to become a better leader in any circumstance.

1. Effective Leaders HUMBLE themselves and allow God to USE them as leaders! (1 Peter 5:16, Phil. 2:5-11)

2. Effective Leaders FOLLOW AFTER Jesus instead of RUNNING AHEAD on their own!
(Mark 10:43-44)

3. Effective Leaders GIVE UP selfish desires to find true satisfaction in SERVING OTHERS! (Mark 10:45)

4. Effective Leaders TRUST God with all of their life and BELIEVE that God has a PLAN for everyone to be SAVED! (Proverbs 3:5-6, Jer.29:11-13)

5. Effective Leaders FOLLOW Jesus’ example of LEADERSHIP and are willing to REACH OUT to others!
(John 13:4-5, 12-17)

As you follow the Lord, He will keep making you an effective leader that He can use to reach others!!

(Adapted from Jaye Martin)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Connect Groups Starting in June!

We are starting our Connect Groups in June! If you would like to lead a small group Bible study please let Barbara Parker know (women@hillcrestbc.com). The following is by Rick Howerton on small group influencers:

In the small group world we often talk about those things that influence the lives of the individuals small group leaders lead. Things like family, churches people have attended in the past, past or present sins an individual has committed or is presently engaged in, etc… are all illustrations of those things that influence individual lives.

A small group leader would be wise to know about and understand four influencers that affect the way the small group they lead thinks and processes during a conversational Bible study. Four of these would be…

1. Sermons preached at the church the group members attend. If your pastor has a particular theological bent, the sermons preached will reflect that theological perspective. Intuitively small group members are hearing and accepting that perspective. Not only that, if a series of topical sermons are preached, when your group does a study on that particular topic (even if the series was preached three years ago), the thoughts and ideas portrayed in the sermon series will most likely come out during the group meeting.

2. Politics. While I wish it were not so, politics are way too meshed with the Christian faith. Some small group members spend much more time learning about and embracing the morals, standards, and arguments of a particular party (Republican or Democrat) than they do reading, learning, and embracing biblical truth. Fox News or MNBC is the place these group members gain much of their understanding and passion. Because of this, when they speak they are speaking based on a political perspective they honestly believe is biblical and, because of this, there is a hint of competitiveness in their hearts.

3. Truths instilled in Bible studies the group has done in the past. One of the reasons it is vital to choose Bible studies that are written for small groups by people who understand and instill basic evangelical theology is due to the fact that small group members will learn and hold to what they have been taught during past small group meetings. A small group leader would be wise to review past studies and see what they say concerning a particular topic when they know a discussion is soon to take place that revisits a topic or passage from past Bible studies.

4. Acceptable expectations in the congregation the group are part of. Every church has her “acceptable expectations,” unstated or stated voluntary requirements for followers of Christ. In some churches it is anticipated that every person is involved in a daily quiet time that includes Bible study, Scripture memory, meditation, elongated times of prayer, etc… These churches may also speak often of meeting with two or three others for accountability and edification. In other churches the only expectation is that people show up for weekend worship services. It would be wise for a small group leader to know what is norm in the church that they lead a group for. If a small group leader leads a group and serves a church where expectations are high, the group they lead will have a much greater chance to go deeply into Scripture, ask for group members to spend time meditating on what God is saying to them, and expecting the group members to sincerely cry out to God on behalf of one another. On the other hand, if the group leader leads a group where the expectations of those involved in the church are minimal, they must remember that they are leading mostly spiritual infants and be careful to feed them milk, not meat.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Lamb

Mary had a little lamb
Its fleece was white as snow
Every where the blood was applied
The shadow of death could not go.

Covered by the blood of the Lamb
My sin made white as snow
Everywhere that Mary went
The Lamb was sure to go.

Not by the blood of goats and lambs
His precious blood was shed
Before the world was made, God planned
To redeem us , though spiritually dead.

Oh Gracious Savior, Lamb that was slain
You stand beside the throne
Thank you for giving your life for me
And making me your own.

Poem inspired by Beloved Disciple Bible study

Jesus, Behold the Lamb*

During this Easter season, the Lord has impressed upon me the tremendous need to bathe my mind and spirit in songs based on His Word, about His Son’s sacrificial blood. So while I walk by the nearby creek, I have been drinking in songs from Glad, Shelia Walsh, Twila Paris and others, as they proclaim the majesty and cleansing of the blood of the Lamb. I am reminded that I cannot stand on my own righteous, but I must come by Jesus’ holy shed blood. My soul is glad because all my debt has been paid up in full! Oh, Lamb of God, wash me in Your precious blood.

The Lord has also brought to mind the contrast of another ceremony of shed blood that I learned about five years ago, while in Cairo on a mission trip. Before entering a factory shop, my friend pointed out “bloody” handprints on the outside of this business and explained the religious tradition/superstition of killing an innocent goat or lamb during the festival, 'Id al-Adha . This represents the day when Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son, Ishmael (as the Muslims are taught) in the name of God. This festival is celebrated after the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca and pilgrims are mandated to sacrifice an animal, at the sacrificial altar. Even those who do not make the physical trip to Mecca, still commemorate this “holy” day and the shed blood of any number of animals, including camel, is placed on anything that is precious to them (children, place of business etc.), for protection against evil spirits. Much feasting and celebration concludes this time, as they eat the sacrificed animal. Reminds you of the Jewish Passover in several ways, but misses the main point!

As I have pondered this religious “holy” day for Egyptian Muslims and all Muslims worldwide; it is once again reveals how the truths and principles of God are often twisted and distorted by the “Father of Lies”, Satan. The focus of Jesus the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, is downplayed and sidestepped. Hebrews 10:4 and 9:2 says “it is impossible for the blood of goats and lambs to take away sins; without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins.” The costly blood of the perfect Lamb, without blemish or fault, is the one who sets captives free, by covering ones sin and appeasing the wrath of God on our behalf. It is only then, that we can come into His throne room of grace and mercy. Yet another song depicts it so well, as it decrees that, only by grace can we enter, only by the blood of the Lamb.

I am so thankful, those 30 years ago during the month of April, Truth was revealed to me and I was washed by the blood of the Lamb. I have the privilege to daily come into His presence so He can cleanse me of my sins as I confess them to Him, asking for the ability to resist the temptation and flee to the arms of Jesus. Because God has promised never to leave or forsake me, it is not necessary to put the blood of a goat or lamb on those precious to me like my family, my church, workplace, possessions and numerous friends like you for protection from evil. Ps. 91:4 says that “His faithful promises are our shield and protection” and by humbling myself under the authority of God and calling on the name of Jesus, the enemy must flee. James 4:7-8.

During this 2011 Easter celebration, may all of you rest in the mysterious, yet absolutely beautiful way in which God has reconciled Himself with us, through His only Son, Jesus. What we do not deserve, He has lavishly poured out on us in the form of forgiveness, salvation, protection and peace.

Hallelujah what a Savior!


*Title of a S. Walsh song
~ Gail Harlin April 2006, revised 2011~

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Biblical discipleship is a model of how Christians could and should live their lives in reflection to Jesus' example and His mission. It involves not only a personal faith with God, but sharing that faith with other people, and building up more disciples.

A Scriptural reference to biblical discipleship is found in Colossians 1:6-10: "…All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God's grace in all its truth. You learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ on our behalf, and who also told us of your love in the Spirit. For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God."

If you study the last verse in this passage, you will find that Paul is encouraging people to walk worthy of the Lord, please Him in all respects, bear fruit in every good work, and increase in their knowledge of God. This is the heart of biblical discipleship. As Christians, we need to know who God is and be firmly established in His word. God challenges us to live lives that are pleasing to God as detailed in Romans 12.

Another aspect of biblical discipleship is that we have to show others who God is and what being a Christian is all about. Your faith cannot be kept to yourself.

A third aspect of biblical discipleship is stretching our knowledge and understanding of God, and again sharing that with others. Knowledge is not merely to be accumulated it should give us direction for living.

Examples of biblical discipleship abound in the Bible. Almost all of the disciples participated in this style of discipleship, and it is what caused the growth of the Christian faith following Jesus' departure. If you study the New Testament, you will find that all of the disciples lost their lives professing their faith, and trying to encourage and build up others. We need to understand God's will for us, gain spiritual wisdom and knowledge, please and honor God with our lives, bear good fruit, grow in the knowledge of God, be filled with God's strength and love, have great patience and endurance, and above all, give thanks.

By following the model of biblical discipleship, we should be concerned with evangelizing those who don't know God and help them fulfill God's purpose in their lives, we should be involved with discipling others encouraging their spiritual growth and development, and then equipping others, giving them the tools to make a difference in the lives of others. That is biblical discipleship, and it is a model that we should practice in our lives today.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Living Romans 12

Who better to minister to youth, but youth who live by the Spirit; to reach single moms with children, but single moms with children; to reach widows, but other widows; to reach the men, but men. Discipleship is not just about learning doctrine, but is about transfer of life from the mature to the less mature in the faith. That is done by hanging out together and caring for each other. We are supposed to be ONE family, not a bunch of disinterested dysfunctional family fragments.

I am currently reading through Romans 12. It hits this problems on the nail. We must be one body, we must not think more highly of ourselves than is proper, we must honor one another, we must be hospitable, share our gifts with one another, and even love our enemies. But all of that is not possible until, in view of God's mercies, we surrender our life as a living, holy, and acceptable sacrifice to God and let Him transform us by shaping our thinking in a way that we can understand the will of God correctly and then do all of the things describe in Romans 12.

That transformation happens as much in healthy Spirit filled fellowship as it does in Bible study, prayer, guidance by the Holy Spirit. Life experience is part of the process. When one part of the body is hurting, the whole body is hurting. Let's be healthy, seek Christ, and live as He lived - totally sold out to the Father!

Cafe Connection will resume this summer. Be part of the fellowship of women!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Some time ago, I read about a German farmer who had settled in Guatemala and became prosperous. While sailing back to Germany to visit his family, he discovered a tropical flea had taken up residence under a toenail and laid its eggs.He was fascinated with this process and wanted his family to see the exotic insect. So instead of dealing with the painful problem then and there, he let the toe fester. By the time he got to Germany, blood poisoning had set in; and the farmer died.One of the most important challenges for Christian leaders is recognizing what is urgent and what is not. It is easy to spend your time on good things that keep you from investing your time in the most important things.

As you set priorities for the coming week, think about what you can do with your time to make the greatest investment in the work of the kingdom."Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity" (Eph. 5:15-16).

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cancel Courageous Living Bible Study

We are going to cancel our Courageous Living Bible study classes due to limited enrollment. We will be starting our Connect Groups in May and will offer it agian at that time!

If you have any questions please let us know!

Be Still

I have always wanted to be more like Mr. Rogers. He went to work everyday, took OFF his blazer and put on a comfortable sweater and those comfortable tennis shoes. I have to take off the comfortable stuff and put ON the blazer to go to work! Mr. Rogers always had the calmest, quietest voice that could soothe even my restless spirit! I would stop my activity when I heard Mr. Rogers sing about it being a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Often I would slowly wander over to the television set, sit down and let Mr. Rogers visit with me for a while. We still need to make time to rest and be still.

What do you do on those days when you can't find a quiet spot to stop and be still?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Run The Race

Most races are won in final laps. The last quarter-mile of a mile race will determine who wins. It's not how you start life but how you finish it. Many have had a great beginning only to have a poor showing at the end, while others have great disadvantages and go on to win the race.

Determine to run the last quarter-mile as a winner. The Apostle Paul said, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Right is Right

In the world in which we live today, morality is such a relative term. People say, “Well, that’s fine and good for you, but don’t impose your morals on me.” And we’ve fallen into an era of moral relativism unlike any our nation has ever seen.

What’s right is right! And under God, His people must take decisive action and stand by what He says is true. If your position is of God, stay with it, because it will never fail. And while the world will go back and forth like the waves of the sea, God’s truth remains planted firmly.

Maybe today, you find yourself struggling with what is right in a certain situation. And maybe you even know what God wants you to do. The question you must ask yourself is, “Am I going to do it?”

God’s Word will never lead you astray. So step out in faith and do what is right. You’ll be glad you did!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

GIC: Missions Conference

GIC starts tonight! Join us for dinner at 5:15 and then visit with the missionaries! The opening ceremony starts at 7:00 PM! You will not want to miss the parade of flags! I'll see you there! - Barbara

Thursday, February 23
Missionary registration begins (Foyer)—11:00am
Missionary Orientation (A110)—4:00-5:00pm
Supper (MPR)—5:15-6:15pm
Meet the Missionaries (Foyer)—6:15-6:45pm
Parade of Flags and Opening Celebration Service—7:00-8:15pm

Friday, February 24
Kids on Mission International Game Night—6:00-9:30pm
Youth Event – “Going Global” (Student Building)—6:00-9:30pm
Global Briefing Sessions in Host Homes—6:30pm

Saturday, February 25
Missions Breakfast (MPR)—8:30-10:00am
Men’s Fellowship (Student Building)—10:15am-11:45am
Women’s Fellowship (E133)—10:15am-11:45am
Light Lunch (Student Building)—11:45am

Sunday, February 26
Morning Celebration & Giving Commitment Service—9:00am & 10:30am
Missionary Time in Bible Fellowship Classes—9:00am & 10:30am
Missionary Debriefing and Snack (A110)—4:00-5:00pm
View Missionary Exhibits—5:00pm
Closing Celebration and Time of Commitment for Service—6:00-7:30pm
Kids on Mission—6:00-7:30pm

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

One Sows and Another Reaps

“For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’”John 4:37

The great English preacher Francis Dixon asked a young man in his church named Noelle to give his testimony at a revival. So Noelle stood up and gave this testimony:

“I was in Sydney, Australia when a little old man walked up to me and said, ‘Sir, if you were to die today, do you know where you would spend eternity?’“With that the old man turned on his heel, said, ‘Toodle-loo’, and walked away.

So when I got back to England the first thing that I did was to seek out a pastor who led me to Christ.”After the service, a young man came up to Noelle and said, “That’s my testimony too. I met that same man!”

Francis Dixon was so moved by this that when he went on a world tour of preaching, he shared it at every meeting. And when he preached in cities across Australia, he came across hundreds of people with the very same story.

So when Dixon made it to Sydney, he tracked down this old man at his home and told him about all of those people who had come to Christ through him. The old gentleman broke down and said, “Sir, this is the first time in my life that I’ve known of anyone who has ever come to Jesus because of my witness.”

Some sow the seeds; some harvest. So whatever role God calls you to fulfill, be faithful in it because you never know the impact you can have!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Control or Growth

In a recent issue of his Ministry Toolbox newsletter, Rick Warren said, "Every church must eventually decide whether it is going to be structured for control or structured for growth. For a church to grow, both the pastor and the people must give up control. The people must give up control of the leadership, and the pastor must give up control of the ministry. Otherwise, you create a bottleneck for growth.

"This is especially true once a church grows beyond about 500 people, because then no single person or board can know everything that's going on in the church. I haven't known about everything that happens at Saddleback for years. I don't have to know about it all!

"You might ask, 'Then how do you control it?' The answer is: I don't! It's not my job to control the church. It's my job to lead it. There is a very big difference between leading and controlling. Our pastors and staff are responsible to keep the church doctrinally sound and headed in the right direction, but most of the day-to-day decisions are made by the people actually doing the ministries of the church. Every lay ministry is assigned a staff liaison but, as much as possible, our staff stays out of the decision-making process in each ministry.

"When Saddleback was just a few years old, I found myself running out of energy. The church had grown to several hundred people and I was still trying to do most of the ministry myself. I literally helped with every job in the church...I was burning out physically and emotionally.

"At a midweek service, I confessed to our congregation that I was out of energy and that I couldn't continue trying to meet all their needs myself. But I went on to say that God didn't expect me to do all the ministry. The Bible is very clear that the pastor's job is to equip members for their ministry (Eph. 4:11-12). So I said, 'I'll make you a deal. If you agree to do the ministry of this church, I'll make sure you're well fed!' The people liked the deal and that night we signed a covenant that, from that day forward, they would do the ministry and I would feed and lead them. When we made this decision, Saddleback exploded with growth.

Come lead a ministry through the Women's Ministry - help us grow by sharing the Gospel!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Prayer

O Lord Jesus Christ:
In obedience to your holy claim upon me,
I give myself anew to you this day;
All that I am, all that I have,
To be wholly and unconditionally yours for your using
Take me away from myself,
And use me up
As you will,
When you will,
Where you will,
With whom you will.

BY: Charles Whiston

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bible Study Resuorces

We have several Bible studies starting this week!

Sunday: Resolution for Women, 4:30 PM, Room E-130

Tuesday: James by Beth Moore, 7:00 PM, Room E-133
First Place 4 Health, 7:00 PM, Room E-130

Wednesday: Resolution for Women, 6:30 PM, Room B-127

Thursday: James by Beth Moore, 9:00 AM, Room E-133

Below is a list of links and resources that you might find helpful as you prepare each week:

Crosswalk offers biblically-based content to believers. This site provides timely, relevant, life-enhancing material from qualified, respected Christian sources.

The Bible Gateway is a free service for reading and researching Scripture online--all in the language or translation of your choice! This site provides advanced tools you can use to search the Bible by keywords or verse, as well as other tools to enhance your study of the Bible.

The Net Bible is a completely new translation of the Bible with 60,932 translators' notes! It was completed by more than 25 scholars. This site makes all of the notes as well as the Bible itself available at no charge.

YouVersion is a revolutionary online Bible that enables community and collaboration like never before. Here you can organize the content that's important to you or share content with others.

GotQuestions?org seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing Biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritually-related questions through an internet presence.

Sonic Light Bible studies, MP3 lessons, & notes will encourage, instruct, and strengthen believers in Christ in their faith, as they grow in their knowledge of Him through God's Word. this site features the life work of DTS professor, Thomas Constable.

Can't find what you're looking for? Feel free to contact us with any questions you have!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Circle Maker

In an interview with Mark Batterson, he explains the source of the title of his new book, The Circle Maker: "I love metaphors; I think they're one key to preaching and writing. So I always look for an organizing metaphor at the beginning of a message—and of course, that's the genius of the parables. The Circle Maker is a wonderful, true legend I found reading through the Talmud, and preachers are going to love this story.

"In the first century B.C., there was a drought in Israel that threatened to destroy that generation. It's the inter-testamental period; the prophets had died off 400 years prior, and miracles weren't happening; but there was one man who was famous for praying for rain. His name was Honi the Circle Maker, and let me tell you how he got the name."When the Israelites asked him to pray for rain, he did something curious. He used his staff and drew a circle in the sand, then he knelt in that circle and he prayed, 'Sovereign Lord, I swear before Your great name that I will not leave this circle until You send rain.' And it began to sprinkle.

"Now here's the cool thing, Honi wasn't satisfied. He said, 'Not for such rain have I prayed, but for the rain that will fill pits and caverns and cisterns.' Then it starts raining so hard there is a flash flood and people have to flee up to the temple mount. So he's still in his circle and again he says, 'Not for such rain have I prayed, but for the rain of Your blessing and favor and graciousness.' And it starts to rain in perfect moderation.

"Well, that's prayer! The Sanhedrin threatened to excommunicate him because they thought it was too bold—as if you can't draw a circle and demand something from God. Finally, some saner minds prevailed and Honi ultimately was honored for a prayer they said saved a generation.

"The basic idea is: God honors bold prayers because bold prayers honor God. He loves it when we ask Him to do things we can't possibly do ourselves. I believe that's the way God gets the glory."

Thursday, January 5, 2012
