Thursday, May 24, 2012

Change Is In The Air

The Women's Ministry is changing .. we are adding more structure as more women have answered the call to leadership.  Over the next few weeks we will be meeting to outline the changes and how the ministry will grow in better defined directions.

The following was written by Ron Edmonson on adding structure to organizations.  If you have any suggestions we would like to hear them too!

The change should make sense with the organizational make-up and DNA - We have to be careful altering something in a way that disrupts the fiber, core, or root foundation of the organization.

The structure added should not impede progress - Structure should further enable the completion of the vision, not detract from it.

It should accommodate or encourage continued growth – Structure should not curtail growth. It’s purpose should be to help the organization continue to grow.

Hit the center of acceptance – Not everyone will agree with any change, but if the structure is universally opposed then it may need to be considered more closely before being implemented.

Make sure everyone understands the why - People are more likely to accept structure when they can identify the value to them and their area of responsibility, but at least the value to the overall organization.

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