Monday, February 18, 2013

Casting Vision

Much is being written these days about why churches should have mission and vision statements. It seems that everyone has their own idea on what these terms actually mean, and how they should apply to a local church. To me, mission and vision are quite simple to understand, at least biblically. In fact, I think churches should waste little time on mission statements. The reason is simple, Jesus gave us (the church) our mission in Matthew 28:18-20, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always to the end of the age.” (Holman) It seems pretty clear: Our mission is to go worldwide and make disciples.

According to our Lord, the New Testament church is in the “disciple making” business. There is no other “mission” for the church than that one; and, if we deviate from it, we cease to be a New Testament church. Another way to say it is this: The mission statement of the church states clearly the business of the church. If you put it that way, then the logical question for all churches to ask is simply, “How’s business?” In other words, if “disciple making” is the business of the church, how are we doing in making disciples? See how simple it becomes to evaluate the progress of your church if you understand clearly what you’re supposed to be doing? That’s what a mission statement does; it gives a church a baseline to measure progress.

A good example of how a clear mission statement works is to look at the mission of the Allied forces in World War II. The mission was simple, clear, and concise…win the war by defeating Germany, Italy and Japan. The generals and admirals who were charged with leading our armed forces clearly understood the mission; and, because of that, they knew they could easily measure progress against the mission. I didn’t say they could easily make progress; winning wars (like making disciples) can be a very difficult task. I said they could easily measure progress. I am continually amazed at how little thought and effort goes into measuring the progress of our churches today. Sometimes, it appears that the only mission we have is to meet again next Sunday. If we can do that, we tend to think all is well. However, measured against the mission that Jesus gave us in the Great Commission, just “meeting again next Sunday” doesn’t get it done! Management guru Peter Drucker once said, “What gets measured gets done.” When it comes to the actual accomplishment of the mission, truer words were never spoken. The proper measurement tool of the New Testament church is the mission given to us by Jesus Himself.

Vision, simply put, is about a preferred future. It’s about taking the mission, personalizing it, putting it into the proper context, and then looking ahead and seeing things the way you would like them to be. That’s why vision is so critical to a local church. If your city has several churches, and every church has the same mission (to make disciples), then what sets each church apart from the others? It is its vision, because it is in the vision (not the mission) that a church will find its uniqueness and, out of that, its marching orders for the future.

Let’s look to the Apostle Paul for help in better understanding mission and vision. Notice his words in Romans 1:13-15, “Now I want you to know, brothers, that I have often planned to come to you (but was prevented until now) in order that I might have a fruitful ministry among you, just as among the rest of the Gentiles. For I am obligated both to the Greeks and Barbarians, both wise and the foolish. So I am eager to preach the good news to you who are in Rome.” (Holman) Here we see that Paul’s mission was to preach the gospel (disciple making); but we also see that his vision (preferred future) was to go to Rome and have a fruitful ministry among the Romans. Look at it this way, every apostle was charged with preaching the gospel and making disciples, but they didn’t all have the vision to do it in Rome. Said simply, vision gives the “who, what, where, when and how” to the mission.

The mission of Hillcrest Baptist Church is to make disciples. The vision of the Women's Ministry is to reach today's woman with the all-sufficient message of the life-changing Word of God. Using Bible studies, retreats, conferences, and special events, we seek to reach all women inside and outside the church. Let's make sure that everyting we do leads us to fulfill the mission we have been given.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Discerning the Voice of God

It's been a while since I have posted anything on the blog.  We have been busy the past few months with Bible studies, activities, and outreach.  I hope you have found a place to plug into our Women's Ministry.

I received this poem from someone in the Discerning the Voice of God Bible study and I wanted to share it with you.  Praying you hear God's voice and find peace in your circumstance.

Dear restless hear, be still: don't fret and worry so;
God has a thousand ways His love and help to show;
Just trust, and trust, and trust, until His will you know.

Dear restless heart, be still, for peace is God's own smile,
His love can every wrong and sorrow reconcile:
Just love, and love , and love, and calmly wait awhile.

Dear restless heart, be brave; don't moan and sorrow so,
He hath a meaning kind in chilly winds that blow;
Just hope, and hope, and hope, until you braver grow.

Dear restless heart, repose upon His breast this hour,
His grace is strength and life, His love is bloom and flower;
Just rest and rest and rest, within His tender power.

Dear restless heart, be still! Don't struggle to be free;
God's life is in your life, from Him you may not flee;
Just pray, and pray and pray, till you have faith to see.

                                                              Edith Willis Linn

Remember we have our annual Global Impact Celebration (GIC) this week.  We have a special prayer time planned for our women on Saturday following the brunch. Look forward to seeing you there!

- Barbara Parker