Monday, May 30, 2011

Spreading God's Work

I received a thank you note from a high school student I sponsored for summer missions. The final line was “I look forward to spreading God’s work.” I laughed thinking she means spreading God’s Word, but after thinking about it, maybe she’s right.

"This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent."--John 6:29

How to spread God's word is a question that can be difficult sometimes if we don't have the true understanding of how we as Christians should go about it. Keep in mind what Paul said, "I will not ...speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me." Paul didn't place glory in what Christ had done for him, but in what Christ was doing through him.

Matthew 17:2-3 tells the story of the day that Jesus took his disciples to the top of the mountain where he was transfigured before them: "His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him." Peter was so caught up in this spectacular event that he wanted them all to stay there. In verse 4 of the same chapter he says "Lord it is good for us to be here; if You wish, let us make here three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah."

As you read further into the chapter, you can see that Jesus thought it more important to continue ministering and spreading His Word. Verse 14 begins the story of the demon possessed boy who suffered severe seizures that Jesus healed. The message we can take from this story is that there are definitely rewarding experiences when following Jesus' teachings but you'll never reap those rewards if you don't put the work in and focus on the goal at hand, which is spreading the Word of God to everyone.

Now we all know, as followers of our Lord Jesus Christ that it is a great thing to have such a spectacular experience with our God and Father; but we also know that as followers of our Lord we can't stay there. We have a lot of work to do if we are going to follow in his footsteps, and we as Christians have been called to do it.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Restorer

You are the restorer of broken hearts.
But first, we must be willing to do our part
To confess and own up to our sin
And let your Spirit heal from within.

You are the lover of our soul.
When you touch our lives, we are completely whole.
Your love so complete, beyond compare.
Our sins on the cross, You did bare.

You are the loving Shepherd of Your sheep.
Your promises to shield and protect, You keep.
If we will keep our eyes on You
There is nothing that we cannot do.

~G. Harlin~

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Expect Great Things

O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name,for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.
-- Isaiah 25:1

While there are many things for which we can praise God, one of the most significant is his faithfulness to do what He has planned and promised. God is going to fulfill His Word and He has allowed us to be apart of that process.

“Expect great things from God and attempt great things for God.”

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Bread of Life

Feed me, Oh my Jesus
My hungry soul please fill
There’s no place I would rather be
Than resting in your will

Your words are what sustain me (Jere. 15:16)
They are my joy and delight
The power of darkness cannot prevail
When I am walking in your light

A heart of praise will calm the soul
May I not forsake your peace
As I feed upon your faithfulness ( Ps. 37:3)
My troubled soul must cease

As You provide my nourishment
I drink deeply from Your springs (Ps. 36:7-8)
Hiding under Your shadow
My heart rejoices and sings

Oh taste and see that the Lord is good (Ps.34:8)
His promises are true
No good thing will You withhold (Ps. 84:11)
As I keep my eyes on You !

~2003~ Third day of Dan’s unexpected down size

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Connect Groups

There is a song I just love by Babbie Mason. It's called Standing In The Gap. Some of the lyrics are "I heard you were hurting, that you were suffering pain, but I didn't just turn my head and look the other way .... I'll be standing in the gap for you. Just remember someone somewhere is praying for you."

Connect Groups are like that. It's a place to develop relationships so that we have someone standing in the gap for us; who knows our cares and concerns. It's a place to celebrate life in community!

Our groups are filling quickly so please register soon if you want to participate. We have ADDED A NEW GROUP on Tuesday since the first one has filled to capacity! Sign up for a group at the women's table in the church foyer.

God, I’m Ready to Walk by Faith by Thelma Wells
Group Coordinator: Angela Hudler
Location: Hillcrest Room E-131
Starts: June 7

Tuesdays 7:00 PM
Seed: Pack 1 by Priscilla Shirer
Group Coordinator: Barbara Parker
Location: Hillcrest Room E-132
Starts: June 7

Wednesdays 6:30 PM
One Month to Live by Kerry & Chris Shook
Group Coordinator: Angela Huff
Location: Hillcrest E-130
Starts: June 15

Thursdays 7:00 PM
Mentoring 101 – Book 1
Group Coordinators: Marty Hale
Location: Hillcrest E-130
Starts May 31

Seed: Pack 1 by Priscilla Shirer
Group Coordinator: Darcy page
Location: Hillcrest Room E-130
Starts: June 9

Be All That You Can Be

So, how well do you know the real you? Have you ever taken time to think about what you like to do? What would make your heart come alive if you had the confidence and resources to do it?

Although it might feel self-seeking, it’s actually God-seeking to take time to get to know the woman He created you to be. Remember God had a plan in mind when He made you. When you surrender your unique passions and personality to Him, God will use them to guide you towards His dreams for your life.

Lord, I want to know the woman You had in mind when You created me. I don’t want to grow old and never know Your purpose for my life. Show me Your dreams for me so I can offer what You want to give to those around me.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Life's Purpose

“Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you shall be satisfied.”
Luke 6:21

I talk to so many people today who think that the ultimate purpose of life is to simply enjoy happiness. But happiness should never be the major goal of your life because real happiness can only be a byproduct of your real purpose, which must be something greater than yourself.

Whatever it is that motivates your life must be something big enough to make living worthwhile. For many people, their greatest problem is not that they live vile lives, but that they live vain lives. They don’t have a great purpose, a great scheme, or a great dream.

So what is the prime purpose for which God made you? Your purpose is to bring glory to God. God has a plan for everything that happens to you. And that plan is for you to be used as an instrument of his glory.

Are you willing to let God be God even when you don’t understand what’s going on? Are you willing to trust God that he knows what he’s doing when the hard times of life hit? It’s in your dependence upon him that he is most glorified in your life. So in the good times and the bad, trust fully that he’s doing something great with you and then you’ll experience real happiness.


Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing. Philippians 2:3-4.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Highway of Holiness

The Highway of holiness, it is told
Is great and mighty, yet a less traveled road.
Those who frequent this special sod
Are the ransomed, not fools who reject Holy God.
Those evil minded never find the way
It’s for those who follow God and obey.
The dangerous and ferocious beasts who once thronged
Are gone and the redeemed sing a joyful song.
Crowned with everlasting joy
Their sorrow and mourning has been deployed.
And the land that was once deplete from fresh springs
Will once again bloom with all living things .
The Lord will display His splendor and glory
Oh praise our dear God, what a glorious story!

~Gail Harlin~
Dec. 2010
Inspired by God Is. Chpt.35

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

We must today as mother's plant the seed of righteousness,
If our children win the battle. And the promised land possess.
Let example be our precept Let our conscience be our guide.
May our prayers go through to Glory, Him victorious by our side.

Poem by Beulah May Kelley (Judy Norton's Grandmother)

"Grandmother wrote many beautiful poems...She was a gifted wonderful woman. Who raised six wonderful daughters and two sons."

Friday, May 6, 2011


"Salt, when dissolved in water, may disappear, but it does not cease to exist. We can be sure of its presence by tasting the water. Likewise, the indwelling Christ, though unseen, will be made evident to others from the love which he imparts to us. " - Sadhu Sundar Singh

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


The National Day of Prayer is this Thursday. I hope you take time to join with your community to pray for the 5 pillars of power: government, military, media, business, education and the church. For more information or to find your local event go to:

While you pray for our nation, also take a moment to pray for yourself. “But isn’t that selfish?” you may wonder. Not if your motive is that God be glorified through your life.

Here are some suggestions on how to pray for yourself for the glory of God:

Guard my heart. Make and keep it pure.

Protect me from the schemes and attacks of the Evil One.

Fill me with Your love. Help me to love You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Make me compassionate and sensitive to the needs of others around me.

Fill me with Your Spirit. May I be emptied of myself and filled with Jesus.

Anoint my life and ministry with supernatural power.

Clothe me in humility. May I be poor in spirit. May I esteem all others as better than myself. May I not seek to impress others, but only to please You.

Make me a servant. Help me to serve You with gladness; to render each act of service as unto Christ; to joyously accept even “menial” or “unfulfilling” responsibilities.

Guard my tongue. May I speak only words that are true, words that help and heal, words that are wise and kind.

Give me wisdom and discernment. Help me to see all of life from Your point of view. May my life be ruled by the wisdom of Your Word.

Give me a grateful spirit. Help me to give thanks in everything. Help me to acknowledge and express the benefits and blessings that I have received from You and others. Protect me from a discontented heart and a murmuring tongue.

Help me to walk by faith and not by sight. May my life show the world how great You are. May I be willing to step out in faith when I cannot see the outcome, and may my life not be explainable in human terms.

Teach me the fear of the Lord.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Sovereign Lord Is Passing By

After hearing Mike's sermon today which was really good, it reminded me of a sermon he did a few years ago, with a parallel passage. This is the poem that was born of it.

The Sovereign Lord Is Passing By

He hears the blind man’s humble cry.
“Son of David”, have mercy on me
Won’t you stop and hear my plea?”
What do you want me to do for you?”
Please come close, I pray please do.
“My sight, dear Lord, may I see your face?
Please lavish on me a bit of your grace!”
“Indeed your faith has made you well
Go spread the news, go and tell!”
Then others joined in the victory song
Praising God and following along.
He came to set the captives free,
Bringing salvation and true liberty.
To break the bonds of heaviness
And call them trees of righteousness.
Exchanging ashes for beautiful clothes
Garments of praise instead of woes,
Unbinding the weary and those who weep
Rebuilding and planting a treasure to keep.

Inspired by Pastor Mike Simmons sermon
Luke 18:35-43, Is. 61: 1-3

~G. Harlin~
Jan. 22, 2006