Radical .. is it a noun, adjective, or verb in your life? Would people say you are a radical for Jesus? Would they describe your life as being lived in a radical way for Christ? Are you being radical in your obedience to God's Word?
As we begin the first chapter of Radical Together on Tuesday night these and many more questions come to mind. Over the next 6 weeks I hope our small Connect Group can come up with some answers for ourselves and perhaps for our church.
Here are two quotes from the first chapter. Perhaps they will challenge you to think like a radical!
Let me ask: Are you there personally? Is your church? Specifically, is your community of faith willing to put everything down before God and say, “We will do whatever you want, we will drop whatever you command, we will eliminate whatever is not best, and we will add whatever is necessary in order to make your glory known in the world around us, no matter what it costs us”?
I simply and humbly want to ask the question,“Amid all the good things we are doing and planning, are there better ways to align with God’s Word, mobilize God’s people, and marshal God’s resources for God’s glory in a world where millions of people are starving and more than a billion have never even heard of Jesus?”Are you and I personally willing to put everything in our lives on the table for Christ to determine what needs to stay and what needs to go? Are you and I willing to say, “Lord, we don’t want to settle for good things as your people. We want only your best”?
When we take this step of surrender and obedience together,we will find ourselves becoming part of a movement of God’s people who are accomplishing God’s purpose.