“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)
Five years ago I took a spiritual gifts test and failed! Well, in my mind, I failed.
I had high hopes that the test would confirm that I have the spiritual gift of wisdom, discernment, evangelism or mercy. You know…a good, useful gift. A change-the-world kind of gift. I was crushed to discover that I do not possess any of what I perceived as “good” gifts.
Since I was sure I knew myself better than this silly test, I took it again. I ended up taking the spiritual gifts test five times! Sadly, each one confirmed that I was stuck with the frivolous gift of hospitality. Seriously? I wanted to be a wise sage and soul-winning evangelist, not a hostess!
Shortly after my testing marathon I read today’s key verse. Reading it a second time, my eyes lingered over the words “whatever gift.” It doesn’t say, “Only those with the gift of leadership or evangelism go and serve.” As I pondered this verse I realized that as a body of Christians we could not accomplish nearly as much if we all had the same gifts. I embraced my gift of hospitality and God showed me He could use my ability to create a fancy meal or decorate a beautiful table to make others feel special. I can administer God’s grace through what I thought was fluff!
What gift(s) has God given you? If you haven’t yet determined your spiritual gift(s), spend some time thinking about what you do well, what hidden talent you may have, and what you have a passion for. Ask your friends what they think your talents are.
Then ask God how you can use these gifts to share His grace with others. If you are a musician, consider playing at a local retirement center or soup kitchen. If you love to scrapbook, consider organizing memories for someone who is unable to do so. If you have great computer skills, consider helping women at a shelter put together resumes or teach computer skills to help them secure a job.
I have learned that my “frivolous” gift of hospitality is not so frivolous after all. Extending hospitality, simple or extravagant, is a tangible way to share God’s love and His grace with family, friends, co-workers, and strangers. My prayer is that every day God will provide me with new opportunities to use the gifts He has bestowed upon me for His kingdom and for His glory.
Interesting post! I'm still trying to figure out what exactly my gift(s) might be. I"m pretty sure I'm not called to teach or be in a leadership position, but beyond that, I just don't know!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to help you figure it out! - Barbara