Two years ago a lone Columbine stood by itself. At the end of spring, it literally burst into nothing, sending forth a lot of seeds. It took the next spring to see how many new seedlings had propagated and this past spring my front yard underneath the pecan trees were blooming with this beautiful, delicate flower.
As I looked at it, I was reminded of the words of Jesus in Matthew,
“Unless a kernel or grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone: but if it dies ,it produces much grain. He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life will find it”.
My lone Columbine is now surrounded by many others because it died! I pray that, as you and I seek the Lord and hear his voice, we will humbly submit to whatever He is calling us to die to and then look forward to an abundant “bumper crop” of joy, peace and contentment and whatever gifts the Lord wants to bestow upon us !!
~Gail Harlin~
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