During this Easter season, the Lord has impressed upon me the tremendous need to bathe my mind and spirit in songs based on His Word, about His Son’s sacrificial blood. So while I walk by the nearby creek, I have been drinking in songs from Glad, Shelia Walsh, Twila Paris and others, as they proclaim the majesty and cleansing of the blood of the Lamb. I am reminded that I cannot stand on my own righteous, but I must come by Jesus’ holy shed blood. My soul is glad because all my debt has been paid up in full! Oh, Lamb of God, wash me in Your precious blood.
The Lord has also brought to mind the contrast of another ceremony of shed blood that I learned about five years ago, while in Cairo on a mission trip. Before entering a factory shop, my friend pointed out “bloody” handprints on the outside of this business and explained the religious tradition/superstition of killing an innocent goat or lamb during the festival, 'Id al-Adha . This represents the day when Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son, Ishmael (as the Muslims are taught) in the name of God. This festival is celebrated after the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca and pilgrims are mandated to sacrifice an animal, at the sacrificial altar. Even those who do not make the physical trip to Mecca, still commemorate this “holy” day and the shed blood of any number of animals, including camel, is placed on anything that is precious to them (children, place of business etc.), for protection against evil spirits. Much feasting and celebration concludes this time, as they eat the sacrificed animal. Reminds you of the Jewish Passover in several ways, but misses the main point!
As I have pondered this religious “holy” day for Egyptian Muslims and all Muslims worldwide; it is once again reveals how the truths and principles of God are often twisted and distorted by the “Father of Lies”, Satan. The focus of Jesus the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, is downplayed and sidestepped. Hebrews 10:4 and 9:2 says “it is impossible for the blood of goats and lambs to take away sins; without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins.” The costly blood of the perfect Lamb, without blemish or fault, is the one who sets captives free, by covering ones sin and appeasing the wrath of God on our behalf. It is only then, that we can come into His throne room of grace and mercy. Yet another song depicts it so well, as it decrees that, only by grace can we enter, only by the blood of the Lamb.
I am so thankful, those 30 years ago during the month of April, Truth was revealed to me and I was washed by the blood of the Lamb. I have the privilege to daily come into His presence so He can cleanse me of my sins as I confess them to Him, asking for the ability to resist the temptation and flee to the arms of Jesus. Because God has promised never to leave or forsake me, it is not necessary to put the blood of a goat or lamb on those precious to me like my family, my church, workplace, possessions and numerous friends like you for protection from evil. Ps. 91:4 says that “His faithful promises are our shield and protection” and by humbling myself under the authority of God and calling on the name of Jesus, the enemy must flee. James 4:7-8.
During this 2011 Easter celebration, may all of you rest in the mysterious, yet absolutely beautiful way in which God has reconciled Himself with us, through His only Son, Jesus. What we do not deserve, He has lavishly poured out on us in the form of forgiveness, salvation, protection and peace.
Hallelujah what a Savior!
*Title of a S. Walsh song
~ Gail Harlin April 2006, revised 2011~